Livre - Volume 12. Issue 1 - 2017 - The Anthropology of Children in the Middle East

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For several reasons there exist only relatively few ethnographic studies of children in the Middle East or in the diaspora. Accordingly, the articles in this issue of Anthropology of the Middle East represent thematically and theoretically highly divergent projects, all based on ethnographic topics and methodologies. Geographically they encompass different locations, and thematically they range from the history of childhood in Iran to matters of socio-cultural integration in Austria; from legal matters concerning youths in Algeria to socio-psychological problems of schoolchildren in Lebanon and to parent-child dynamics in Morocco. The short research, book and conference reports in this issue emphasize approaches and topics in critical anthropology as applied to the Middle East.

Issue 1: The Anthropology of Children in the Middle East. Guest Editors: Erika Friedl and Abderrahmane Moussaoui Erika Friedl, Abderrahmane Moussaoui,Introduction: Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Children in the Middle East Erika Friedl, A Brief History of Childhood in Boir Ahmad, Iran Abderrahmane Moussaoui, Enfants du maquis en Algérie: Un héritage explosif Farid Hafez, Whose Austria ? : Muslim Youth Challenge Nativist and Closed Notions of Austrian Identity Erik van Ommering, Conflicts in Children’s Everyday Lives: Fresh Perspectives on Protracted Crisis in Lebanon Paola Rivetti, Methodology Matters in Iran: Researching Social Movements in Authoritarian Contexts Rona Sela, Seized in Beirut: The Plundered Archives of the Palestinian Cinema Institution and Cultural Arts Section Julie Pluies, Mêlées et démêlements familiaux autour d’une prise en charge pédopsychiatrique au Maroc Publications Mohammad Malas, The Dream: The Diary of a Film (Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2016) Ghassan Hage, Alter-politics: Critical Anthropology and the Radical Imagination (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2015) Films Moshtâq Goharim, Mâziyâr Zimbol of Baluchestân, 90 minutes, produced by Documentary Aljazeera Network, 2016 Conferences 'Arab Masculinities: Anthropological Reconceptions’: Report on the Wenner-Gren Foundation Workshop at the University of Oxford, March 2017