Livre - Iaşi - metropola Moldovei

069 DUS



Editura Junimea

Duşa Ozolin

Nichita Gheorghe

Olariu Cristina

Ciucă Valentin

Turliuc Cătălin

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (268 p.)

Dimensions : 24 cm.

The city of Iași is a privileged space. It is a city of beginnings, a symbol of the Romanian evolution nowadays and it has always been a real capital city. We are proud to have the first universities in Romania (1860), the first theater in the national language, many churches and monasteries, the first synagogue, the people here who first laid the foundation and then strengthened the Romanian culture [Source: "Iași, The City ou Our Romanian Spirit. The Innermost Capital City in Romania", Gheorghe Nichita (Mayor of Iași), preface p. 6-7].

Texte roumain et trad. anglaise p. 4-31.