Dear visitors,
At the request of the Prefecture of Police, Fort Saint-Jean will only open at noon on February 12, 2025.
The J4 exhibitions will remain open to the public. However, access to the site will be suspended between 11am and 12pm.
At the request of the Prefecture of Police, Fort Saint-Jean will only open at noon on February 12, 2025.
The J4 exhibitions will remain open to the public. However, access to the site will be suspended between 11am and 12pm.
Arts graphiques
1er quart 20e siècle
Percale, peint
Livret de modèles de tataouges de forme rectangulaire, composé de vingt-trois feuillets en percale écrue, peints de divers motifs multicolores : serpents , dragons, poissons, chats, oiseaux, rats, lions, différents symboles américains, cavaliers, personnages, crucifixions, roses,... Description des dessins sur le registre d’inventaire du musée : F°31 - diable ? ailé (1 vignette)
Don: Alix de Rothschild