Livre - Mediterranean Diasporas

909 ISA



Isabella Maurizio

Zánou Kōnstantína 1962 - ...

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (xiii, 217 p.)

Dimensions : 24 cm

‘Mediterranean Diasporas is a highly sophisticated and engaging example of the new histories of connection which seek to understand the history of today’s globalised world. The introduction, afterword and ten chapters consider the movement of people and ideas across this iconic sea from the early-nineteenth century "age of revolutions" to the eve of the First World War. Avoiding any easy dichotomy between the national, the diasporic and the global, the volume brings these concepts into productive dialogue.’ C. A. Bayly, formerly of Queen Mary University of London, UK ‘In this terrifie sequence of essays, Fernand Braudel’s Mediterranean world persists into modern times, but with regional unity and diasporic traffic provided by concepts, including revolutionary ones. Bringing the burgeoning study of the "corrupting sea" beyond its normal chronological limits, the volume brightly aluminates the ramifications ofliberalism, nationalism, and empire, and takes a valuable further step in the construction of an intellectual history across long distances.’ Samuel Moyn, Harvard University, USA, and coeditor of Global Intellectual History ‘Amidst the abundance of the scholarship on the Mediterranean, this volume is stunning in bath its sweep and its depth. As an ensemble, the editors’ comprehensive introduction, combined with the contributors’ highly original research on mobile people, power, and ideas, make this a monumental contribution. Given current Mediterranean affairs, this work could not be more timely. Moreover, scholars interested in diasporas across the globe will find much that is new here.’ Julia Clancy-Smith, University ofArizona, USA and author ofMediterraneans: North Africa and Europe in an Age of Migration, c. 1800-1900 Mediterranean Diasporas looks at the relationship between displacement and the circulation of ideas within and from the Mediterranean basin in the long 19th century. In bringing together leading historians working on Southern Europe, the Balkans, and the Ottoman Empire for the first time, it builds bridges across national historiographies, raises a number of comparative questions and unveils unexplored intellectual connections and ideological formulations. The litiok shows that in the so-called age of nationalism the ides of the nation state was by no means dominant, as displaced intellectuals and migrant communities developed notions of double national affiliations, imperial patriotism and liberal imperialism. By adopting the Mediterranean as a framework of analysis, the collection offers a fresh contribution to the growing field of transnational and global intellectual history, revising the genealogy of 19th-century nationalism and liberalism, and reveals new perspectives on the intellectual dynamics of the age of revolutions. Maurizio Isabella is Senior Lecturer in History at (been Mary University of London, UK. He is author of Risorgimento in Exile: Italian Émigrés and the Liberal International in Post-Napoleonic Era (2009). Konstantina Zanou is a visiting fellow at the Paris Institute of Advanced Studies, France and Assistant Professor of Mediterranean Studies, Columbia University, USA (from fan 2016).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ix LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS, xi MAP OF THE MEDITERRANEAN, xiv ZANOU Konstantina, Introduction. The Sea, its People and their Ideas in the Long Nineteenth Century Maurizio Isabella and, p. 1 1. SIMAL Juan Luis, Letters from Spain: The 1820 Revolution and the Liberal International, p. 25 2. PAQUETTE Gabriel, An Itinerant Liberal: Almeida Garrett’s Exilic Itineraries and Political Ideas in the Age of Southern European Revolutions (1820-34), p. 43 3. BRON Grégoire,Learning Lessons from the Iberian Peninsula: Italian Exiles and the Making of a Risorgimento Without People, 1820-48, p. 59 4. ISABELLA Maurizio, Mediterranean Liberals? Italian Revolutionaries and the Making of a Colonial Sea, ca. 1800-30 p. 77 5. COLLER Ian, Ottomans on the Move: Hassuna D’Ghies and the ‘New Ottomanism’ of the 1830s, p. 97 6. ZANOU Konstantina, Imperial Nationalism and Orthodox Enlightenment: A Diasporic Story Between the Ionian Islands, Russia and Greece, ca. 1800-30, p. 117 7. REILL Dominique Kirchner, Away or Homeward Bound? The Slippery Case of Mediterranean Place in the Era Before Nation-states, p. 135 8. ARSAN Andrew, The Strange Lives of Ottoman Liberalism: Exile, Patriotism and Constitutionalism in the Thought of Mustafa Fazil Paşa, p. 153 9. PUTO Artan and ISABELLA Maurizio, From Southern Italy to Istanbul: Trajectories of Albanian Nationalism in the Writings of Girolamo de Rada and Shemseddin Sami Frashéri, ca. 1848-1903, p. 171 10. KECHRIOTIS Vangelis, Ottomanism with a Greek Face: Karamanh Greek Orthodox Diaspora at the End of the Ottoman Empire, p. 189 GAILANT Thomas W., Afterword. Writing Mediterranean Diasporas After the Transnational Turn, p. 205 INDEX, p. 211